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Pointing. It Conveys A Lot.

What is it about pointing with one finger that makes it ruder/less polite than pointing with two fingers or gesturing with an open palm?

Let's start with a quote from the Butcher: "It feels stabby." This is what the discussion boiled down to. Both the Butcher and the Commissioner said that pointing felt like an aggressive gesture. The direct and punctuated nature of both the hand position and pointing action could be interpreted as threatening.

Conversely, the open palm is gentle in its presentation and gesture. While pointing often involves the rest of the hand being clenched in a fist, an open palm has no place to hide anything and the motion is gliding.

I did ask about how pointing vs open palm gesturing felt when done with the intention of praising some one. For example when one is told "YOU did a STELLAR job!" and pointing is accompanied, does one feel more or less recognized for their good work?

The Commissioner said yes. The recognition felt more intense than if an open palm had been used.

The Butcher said it depends on the person. Some people just don't like aggressive gestures so even if it is supporting something positive, to that individual, it won't feel that way.

One last thing. I was told pointing with two fingers is a bit odd. Upon reflection, I realized that it was a remnant of my days in show choir. They always said point with two fingers otherwise people can't see it. I guess the lesson just stuck.

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